An atmosphere to bloom
Welcome to
Dholakia Nirman
Dholakia Nirman is a non-profit organization that promotes open schooling. It is an organization that does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, gender, social status, or financial status. Life and learning go hand in hand. Also both life and learning should be joyful rather than burdensome. Open education is not a new trend. It is based on the same age old tradition of learning under a tree. To create a space and an environment where every aspiring student can learn.
There is no specific classroom; instead, the entire universe serves as our school. The limit of learning is the far edge of the universe that the child wants to reach.
Learning without the fear of any kind of physical, mental or verbal punishment. We learn by analyzing mistakes, whether it is children’s or teachers’. A community court is also a space for learning through mistakes.
Every child is perfect, and it is our mission to help them achieve that perfection at all times.
Educational approach
Let the child observe the world.
Encourage the child’s astonishment and boost his or her interest.
Allow the child to come up with its own ideas.